A11ying with Sanna - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines a guide to the accessibility requirements
2 Operable

2.4.6 Headings and Labels

Conformance level: AA
Criterion released in WCAG version: 2.0

Official description of the success criterion

Headings and labels describe topic or purpose.

What to do?

Ensure headings and labels are descriptive.

Why is it important?

Assists users in understanding the purpose of content.

Common pitfalls

A lot of people don't understand what headings are and how they should be used. This can result in several types of issues:

  • Using wrong levels of headings (if it is a problem this belongs under 1.3.1 but if it isn't necessarily an issue, it's "just" an accessibility best practice).
  • Using headings to emphasise some text that is not a heading (this belongs under 1.3.1).
  • Not having descriptive headings.

How to test for it?

Check the content for the use of headings. Ensure all headings are descriptive.

More about this criterion elsewhere