3.3 Input Assistance
Help users avoid and correct mistakes.
3.3.1 Error Identification
Conformance level: A
Identify input errors and provide text descriptions.
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions
Conformance level: A
Provide labels or instructions when content requires user input.
3.3.3 Error Suggestion
Conformance level: AA
Provide suggestions for correcting input errors.
3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)
Conformance level: AA
Reduce the risk of input errors for critical data.
3.3.5 Help
Conformance level: AAA
Provide context-sensitive help.
3.3.6 Error Prevention (All)
Conformance level: AAA
Ensure submissions can be reviewed, corrected, and confirmed.
3.3.7 Redundant Entry
Conformance level: A
Don't ask for the same information twice in the same session.
3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum)
Conformance level: AA
Don’t make people solve, recall, or transcribe something to log in.
3.3.9 Accessible Authentication (Enhanced)
Conformance level: AAA
Don’t make people recognize objects or user-supplied images and media to login.